Game works better in full screen! See below for instructions.

Slice up food for people who want to share with others, but can't be bothered to do it for themselves.

Each customer will present you with a piece of food, and tell you how many pieces they want. Quickly click and drag to draw straight lines to divide the food. You only have 3 seconds!

Once your time ends, you will receive a score. Each item is worth up to 200 points, 100 for accuracy, and 100 for fairness.

  • Accuracy is how close you got to the desired number of pieces. The correct number is worth 100, one away is worth 50, two away is worth 0, three or more away is worth 0, but also gives a strike. Once you receive 3 strikes, the game ends.
  • Fairness is determined by how evenly sized the pieces are, specifically comparing the largest to the smallest. (your score out of 100 is roughly equal to (smallest/largest)*100)

Thanks for playing this stupid little idea I had, I hope you enjoyed it!


Food art:

Made by Eysp in [about] 4 hours for Trijam #197 - theme: "Split Up"


Download 10 MB


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the game is fun, but the sound glitches out at about 800 slices

That's a really fun idea! 5 cuts are the worst, but choosy customers are choosy customers.